Publishers: Chronos Verlag

The Gurlitt Affair: Bern and Looted Art
Der Gurlitt-Komplex. Bern und die Raubkunst.

gurlitt komplex bern und die raubkunst cover
Chronos Verlag
March 2017 / 408pp

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This ambitious book reflects on the complex history of the fine art trade during the Second World War, as revealed in the fascinating story of Cornelius Gurlitt’s art collection. 

In 2010 eighty-year-old art dealer and scholar Gurlitt was arrested on a train heading back from Switzerland to his home in Munich. He was carrying several thousand Euros, the proceeds – he explained – of the sale of a work of art. The Bavarian authorities became suspicious and searched his flat, where they discovered a vast collection of significant artworks valued at over one billion Euros. It was concluded that many were stolen, looted or illegally owned, and a sensational article in Focus led the world to believe this was an illegal Nazi hoard. 

The Gurlitt Affair describes the fate of Gurlitt’s collection as well as examining art dealing in Germany and Switzerland from the 1930s up to the present day, from both a legal and moral standpoint. The book presents the definitive account of one of the most sensational stories to rock the art world and will have broad appeal, relevant for students of art history and full of extraordinary episodes that will enthral a more general readership.

about the authors

Oliver Meier was born in 1981. He is a historian and has been working as an editor at Radio SRF2 Kultur since March 2017.

Michael Feller was born in 1981. He is a historian and has been arts editor for the Berner Zeitung since 2013.

Stefanie Christ was born in 1981. She is an art historian and editor, and has been managing arts editor for the Berner Zeitung since 2017.

Oliver Meier was born in 1981. He is a historian and has been working as an editor at Radio SRF2 Kultur since March 2017.

Michael Feller was born in 1981. He is a historian and has been arts editor for the Berner Zeitung since 2013.

Stefanie Christ was born in 1981. She is an art historian and editor, and has been managing arts editor for the Berner Zeitung since 2017.

Oliver Meier was born in 1981. He is a historian and has been working as an editor at Radio SRF2 Kultur since March 2017.

Michael Feller was born in 1981. He is a historian and has been arts editor for the Berner Zeitung since 2013.

Stefanie Christ was born in 1981. She is an art historian and editor, and has been managing arts editor for the Berner Zeitung since 2017.

rights information

Chronos Verlag (Switzerland)
Contact: Hans-Rudolf Wiedmer
Tel: +41 442 654 340

translation assistance

Pro Helvetia covers up to 100% of the effective translation costs for literary works by Swiss authors.

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