Publishers: Matthes & Seitz Berlin

The M_RX Machine

Meier Cover
Matthes & Seitz Berlin
February 2018 / 205pp

This book is outside of the five-year window for guaranteed assistance with English language translation. We suggest getting in touch with the relevant funding body for an informal conversation about the possibility of support. Please refer to to our  recommendations page for books that are currently covered by our funding guarantee.

Sample Translation here
by Madeleine LaRue


Luise Meier’s first book is an anti-capitalist manifesto for the twenty-first century. Playful, irreverent and iconoclastic in tone, The M_RX Machine starts out by announcing its ‘necrophiliac’ intent to rob Marx’s grave and breathe new life into his ideas. Meier seeks to challenge existing Marxist theory by offering an engaging plurality of ideas, in the hope of instigating rebellion. She calls this attempt the ‘M_RX machine’ – the missing ‘A’ pointing to her central goal of rewriting Marxist ideology.

While drawing on feminist and anti-capitalist discourse from the English-speaking world, the book also makes reference to elements of German history and explains how they helped shape modern capitalism in Germany. Meier examines how capitalist mechanisms of oppression are employed in the sphere of politics and governance and makes some exciting and prescient observations, particularly in relation to the way technological innovations can be employed to quash dissent.

The book’s engaging style and skilful illumination of interconnected issues establish Meier as an exciting new voice, likely to chime with other thinkers of her generation in the English-speaking world, such as Laurie Penny.

press quotes

‘In her distinctive style, Luise Meier has managed to unleash the Marx virus again.’

– General-Anzeiger Bonn

‘This text needs to be proclaimed – because it seeks to incite, stir up, ignite.’


about the author

Luise Meier was born in 1985 in East Berlin and works as a freelance writer and waitress. She studied philosophy, social and cultural anthropology and cultural studies in Berlin, Frankfurt (Oder) and Aarhus. The texts she wrote for the Berlin Volksbühne theatre can be found online at

rights information

Matthes & Seitz Berlin (Germany)

Richard Stoiber

Tel: +49 (0)30 64319982

translation assistance

Applications should be made to the Goethe-Institut.

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