Out Here In the Rain
Hier im Regen

lorenz langenegger hier im regen
February 2009 / 168pp

This book is outside of the five-year window for guaranteed assistance with English language translation. We suggest getting in touch with the relevant funding body for an informal conversation about the possibility of support. Please refer to to our  recommendations page for books that are currently covered by our funding guarantee.


A much respected young playwright whose work is performed in some of the most innovative theatres in Germany, the author now publishes his first novel in which some will recognise echoes of Robert Walser.

Jakob Walter, the book’s flawed and self-absorbed hero, wakes up one Friday morning on what turns out to be Swiss National Day (1 August). Unfortunately this passive near-thirty-year-old hadn’t listened when his wife mentioned she’d be at home with her parents over the weekend. With his pet tortoise, the other stabilising force in his life, recently deceased, three long, lonesome days stretch ahead. What could be better than looking up his best friend from his bachelor past? But Ralf, he discovers, has been missing for a week, presumed dead, so at random he simply gets into a train and moves on. His subsequent encounters prompt a re-evaluation of key events in his life. Perhaps happiness is not just an incidental condition after all, but something one can strive to achieve?

A slow-burner, but all the richer for it, this is a work of substance and subtlety.

press quotes

‘The special quality in Lorenz Langenegger’s writing for me is the subtlety of his observation, the delicacy of the shifts depicted in his texts, his feeling for the undercurrents of a dialogue, of an apparent normality. For that is what makes this young writer stand out from many of his generation. He refrains almost entirely from the sensational.’– John von Düffel

‘[He wins for his] strong characterisation and humour.’– Jury of the 2006 Schaubühne Prize for Drama

about the author

Lorenz Langenegger, born in 1980, lives and writes in Zurich. His subjects at university were Theatre Studies and Politics, and in 2006 he won the playwriting competition sponsored by the Schaubühne theatre in Berlin. His plays have been performed both there and in the National Theatre of Mannheim. He is a member of the group of writers called Die Autören.

Previous works include:
Plays: Nordwärts (2005, UA Zurich); Nah und hoch hinaus (2008, UA Mannheim); Überfall. Auf der Suche nach Edith Kletzhändler (2008, UA Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz) – all with S. Fischer.

rights information

Jung und Jung Verlag für Literatur und Kunst
Tel: +43 662 885048
Email: office@jungundjung.at
Contact: Jochen Jung

For more information about Jung und Jung Verlag please contact the Editor.

translation assistance

Pro Helvetia covers up to 100% of the effective translation costs for literary works by Swiss authors.

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All recommendations from Spring 2009