Dantar, a beautiful, imaginary coastal town faced with extinction due to a series of disastrous storms is the main focus of this book. Its principal characters are four young people who are thrown together while working to salvage the damaged boats and end up on an island filled with magic, mystery and ghostly creatures. It soon becomes clear that the future of Dantar lies in their hands as they fight not only to unlock the secrets of the island and the legendary ‘Storm Maker’ but also their own inner demons. Amber is the tough girl from the mountains, an outcast seeking acceptance in a different world and society. Sabin is the diver, almost mermaid-like in her obsession with the sea. Inu the rope-maker is almost too ordered and honest. Tanijen, the odd man out, is actually a magician, whose arts unleash the demons and save the island but cause his own death. This cross between a fantasy world and its message about the awesome potential of the sea, and some stark – even murderous – real-life truths is a departure for Nina Blazon. They show this gifted children’s writer in impressive and powerful form.
All recommendations from Autumn 2007