When the Moon Fell From the Skies
Als der Mond vom Himmel fiel

anja jardine als der mond vom himmel fiel
January 2008 / 304pp

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The eleven stories collected in this volume are extremely heterogeneous in terms of length, setting and types of character, but share an almost obsessive concern with the smallest details of daily life – details which, while apparently banal, almost always hold the secret strength of changing their characters’ lives.

Such, for example, is the case with Judith, looking back to her last year at school, with the forty-something journalist Katrin, travelling the world in search of interesting stories yet constantly yearning for somebody to miss her at home, or with the elderly overseer of a New Zealand apple plantation besotted with his youngest and best worker.

The volume becomes progressively more interesting and gripping, each story adding meaning to those that follow. Two crown the rest – one set in war-ravaged Bosnia, the other describing the suicide attempt of a German teenager, who tragically discovers the beauty of life when it is too late. Together they allow the reader to indulge in philosophical speculations or just plunge into an entertaining, intelligent and enriching reading experience as he or she may prefer. Highly recommended.

press quotes

‘Spectacularly beautiful short stories.’– Focus

‘A collection of short stories to read and read again. ‘– Brigitte

about the author

Anja Jardine was born in 1967 near Hamburg. After gaining a degree in economics and graduating from journalism school she worked as a film-maker on television, then as an editor with Die Zeit Magazin and Spiegel reporter. Since 2005 she has been based in Zurich where she works on the journal Neue Zürcher Zeitung Folio. This is her first work of fiction.

rights information

Kein & Aber AG
Tel: 41 44 297 12 78
Email: s.vonledebur@keinundaber.ch
Contact: Susanne von Ledebur

Kein & Aber was founded in 1997 and swiftly established itself on the scene with its programme of fiction and audio books. Now regarded as one of the leading independent publishers, it publishes around forty titles a year and focuses on fiction, satire, children’s books and audio books.

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All recommendations from Autumn 2008