‘Sleeping Sun’
Carl Hanser, August 2017
Shortlisted for the German Book Prize 2017
A century of Germany – in one day. Rudolf Zacharias travels to Berlin to attend the opening of an exhibition by his former student Milena Sonntag. With her exhibition ‘Sleeping Sun’, Milena takes artistic stock not only of her life, but of her era. Like pictures in an exhibition, this novel tells of the historical catastrophes and private entanglements of three people, taking us from the battlefields of the First World War all the way to present-day Berlin.
Thomas Lehr was born in Speyer in 1957 and now lives in Berlin. He has received numerous awards for his work, most recently the Joseph Breitbach Prize in 2015. Publications by Hanser include Größenwahn passt in die kleinste Hütte (Kurze Prozesse, 2012) as well as the novels September. Fata Morgana (2010), 42 (2013), Zweiwasser (2014) and Nabokovs Katze (2016).