‘With Freud, I was terrified at first when I was asked to do one of his books in the new Penguin series of all his works. But I found I liked Freud much better at the end of that book than before, and I had really enjoyed it – it changed my view of Freud.’ – Anthea Bell
Residenz Verlag’s ‘Life with Insight’ (‘Leben auf Sicht’) series features non-fiction titles that explore innovative ways of dealing with the greatest global challenges – from climate change to the migration crisis. Written with verve and insight and aimed at a general audience, here we review the latest in the series, a study of ‘green Islam’.
'In literature, everything can be said; literature isn’t about taking a stand or imposing your opinion upon the reader. It’s about telling a story and using that story – if it’s told well – to have an impact on the reader, to inspire and galvanise them.’ Lina Muzur, editor of a startling new volume of short stories by female authors, talks to NBG.