
schaeuble cover
Hanser Verlag
July 2017 / 220pp
Children’s & Young Adults’

This book is outside of the five-year window for guaranteed assistance with English language translation. We suggest getting in touch with the relevant funding body for an informal conversation about the possibility of support. Please refer to to our  recommendations page for books that are currently covered by our funding guarantee.


Endland is a political thriller set in a dystopian near-future which will appeal to readers of Janne Teller’s YA fiction. Its unfussy, bold tone will translate well into English.

Gripping from the first page, Martin SchĂ€uble creates a world that is uncomfortably familiar and yet terrifying. Populist right-wing parties in Europe have taken over, Trump’s America has emerged from a civil war and Le Pen is running France, while Germany, Poland and Hungary have built walls around their countries. Brexit has happened, causing a domino effect of disengagement around Europe and the collapse of the Euro.

The novel’s protagonists come from opposite ends of this world: Fana is an Ethiopian immigrant and Anton is a young, politically obedient, right-wing border-guard. What start out as parallel narratives eventually converge, with dramatic consequences. Anton is selected for a special task: to infiltrate the last remaining refugee camp and detonate a bomb to make refugees look dangerous, so that the nation will agree to the closure of all borders. It is here that he meets Fana, who confounds all his expectations.

Endland addresses a wide range of important international issues, but remains at its heart a warm, human story.

press quotes

‘Endland’ de Martin SchĂ€uble es un thriller polĂ­tico brillantemente escrito y con meticulosa labor de investigaciĂłn detrĂĄs; su asunto no podrĂ­a estar mĂĄs de actualidad.

– SĂŒddeutsche Zeitung

Martin SchĂ€uble’s Endland is a carefully researched and brilliantly written political thriller which could not be more topical.

– SĂŒddeutsche Zeitung

about the author

Martin SchĂ€uble ha pasado quince años investigando el extremismo polĂ­tico. Es doctor en ciencias polĂ­ticas, estudios que realizĂł en BerlĂ­n, Israel y Cisjordania. Lleva trabajando de periodista desde sus tiempos de estudiante, y ha sido editor de noticias en Freie Presse. Ha estado en muchos territorios en crisis de todo el mundo y hablado con muchos refugiados. Ha publicado en Hanser los libros “Zwischen den Grenzen” (2012), “Black Box Dschihad” (2011) y “Die Geschichte der Israelis und PalĂ€stinenser” (2007).

rights information

Carl Hanser Verlag

Vilshofener Str. 10

81679 MĂŒnchen, Germany

Contact: Anne Brans

Tel: +49 899 830 519





translation assistance

Applications should be made to the Goethe-Institut.

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All recommendations from Autumn 2017