I Can See U
I Can See U

Morgenroth Cover
Coppenrath Verlag
January 2019 / 304pp
Childrenā€™s & Young Adultsā€™

This book is outside of the five-year window for guaranteed assistance with English language translation. We suggest getting in touch with the relevant funding body for an informal conversation about the possibility of support. Please refer to to ourĀ  recommendations page for books that are currently covered by our funding guarantee.


Award-winning author Matthias Morgenroth returns with a compelling novel about the pervasiveness of technology and its impact on our lives. I Can See U will resonate with a generation Z readership who have grown up with the internet and are attuned to the digital dimensions of human existence.

When a new pupil joins Marieā€™s class at school, she is instantly smitten. Ben is perfect. But after a series of strange events, Marie and her friends start to suspect that all is not as it seems. Ben is always the first in class and the last to leave, and sends people messages but is never seen using his phone. The friendsā€™ suspicions are heightened when they discover a locked room full of surveillance monitors at school. It transpires that Ben isnā€™t actually a human being but a machine with artificial intelligence that has been placed in Marieā€™s school to observe the pupilsā€™ interactions and prevent bullying. But who is behind the surveillance project, and why has it been implemented? As Ben starts to become autonomous and plan his escape from school, Marie and her friends set out to catch him and find out the truth.

A thought-provoking read with an exciting and disturbing new take on the digitalisation of adolescent life, I Can See U is Black Mirror for a teen audience.

about the author

Matthias Morgenroth has been writing childrenā€™s books and adult non-fiction for many years. He also works as a journalist and editor for radio and TV, writes for various newspapers, gives seminars, busks with his friends and enjoys going on reading tours. His childrenā€™s book Freunde der Nacht (ā€˜Friends of the Nightā€™) was awarded the RattenfƤnger literature prize. He lives in Munich with his wife and three daughters.

rights information


Coppenrath Verlag (Germany)

Contact: Meike Lenz


Tel: +49 (0)25 141411818


translation assistance

Applications should be made to the Goethe-Institut.

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All recommendations from Spring 2019