Tag: interview

Revolution for Life

Author Asal Dardan talks to critical theorist and public philosopher Eva von Redecker about Eva's book A Revolution for Life, described by the publisher as '..a new criticism of capitalism - and a declaration of love for human action.'

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An interview with Tanja Paar

Sarah Hemens interviews Austrian author Tanja Paar about publishing her book, The Trembling World, during a pandemic, about the current and historical events that inspired it, and about why English language readers will enjoy the book.

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Me Too

'In literature, everything can be said; literature isn’t about taking a stand or imposing your opinion upon the reader. It’s about telling a story and using that story – if it’s told well – to have an impact on the reader, to inspire and galvanise them.’ Lina Muzur, editor of a startling new volume of short stories by female authors, talks to NBG.

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