Translated literature opens our eyes to new ways of thinking. It exposes us to fresh perspectives, helping us celebrate our differences and see our shared humanity.
At a time when our movement is restricted, reading literature set in other places is a way of bringing the world to us.
The Swiss Embassy in London is a proud participant in the New Books in German initiative, which selects German-language books ripe for translation into English. They are profiled on the website, with translation costs covered. For authors writing in Switzerland, this support comes from Pro Helvetia.
Below are the books chosen by NBG and translated into English and Swiss books that we hope will be picked up by English-language publishers. Which have you read? Are your favourites here?
Books by Swiss authors forthcoming in English translation
Swiss ‘NBG’ Books Available in English
Books selected by the project yet to be translated
Author interview: Charles Lewinsky
To read an interview with Swiss author Charles Lewinsky please click here