The Longlist for the German Book Prize 2021 was announced on 24th August 2021. The shortlist will be made public on 21st September.
The longlist for the German Book Prize 2021, in alphabetical order:
- Henning Ahrens: Mitgift (Klett-Cotta, August 2021)
- Shida Bazyar: Drei Kameradinnen (Verlag Kiepenheuer & Witsch, April 2021) – New Books in German jury choice, read our recommendation here.
- Read an English sample translation by Ruth Martin here
- Dietmar Dath: Gentzen oder: Betrunken AufrÀumen (Matthes & Seitz Berlin, August 2021)
- Franzobel: Die Eroberung Amerikas (Paul Zsolnay Verlag, January 2021) -New Books in German jury choice, read our recommendation here.
- Georges-Arthur Goldschmidt: Der versperrte Weg (Walstein Verlag, June 2021)
- Dana Grigorcea: Die nicht sterben (Penguin Verlag, March 2021) – New Books in German jury choice, read our recommendation here.
- Read an English sample translation by Imogen Taylor here
- Norbert Gstrein: Der zweite Jakob (Carl Hanser Verlag, February 2021) – New Books in German jury choice, read our recommendation here.
- Dilek GĂŒngör: Vater und ich (Verbrecher Verlag, July 2021)
- Read an English sample translation by Katy Derbyshire here
- Monika Helfer: Vati (Carl Hanser Verlag, January 2021)
- Felicitas Hoppe: Die Nibelungen (S.Fischerverlag, September 2021)
- Peter Karoshi: Zu den Elefanten (Leykam Verlag, May 2021)
- Christian Kracht: Eurotrash (Verlag Kiepenheuer & Witsch, March 2021)
- Thomas Kunst: Zandschower Klinken (Suhrkamp Verlag, February 2021)
- Gert LoschĂŒtz: Besichtigung eines UnglĂŒcks (Schöffling & Co. July 2021)
- Yulia Marfutova: Der Himmel vor Hundert Jahren (Rowohlt Verlag, March 2021) – New Books in German jury choice, read our recommendation here.
- Read an English sample translation by Alexandra Roesch here
- Sasha Marianna Salzmann: Im Menschen muss alles herrlich sein (Suhrkamp Verlag, September 2021)
- Read an English sample translation by Imogen Taylor here
- Mithu Sanyal: Identitti (Carl Hanser Verlag, February 2021) – New Books in German jury choice, read our recommendation here.
- Read an English sample by Lucy Jones here
- Ferdinand Schmalz: Mein Lieblingstier heiĂt Winter (S. Fischer Verlag, July 2021)
- Read an English sample translation by Bradley Schmidt here
- Antje RĂĄvik Strubel: Blaue Frau (S. Fischer Verlag, August 2021)
- Heinz Strunk: Es ist immer so schön mit dir (Rowohlt Verlag, July 2021)
New Books in German is proud to be the English-language media partner for the German Book Prize. We will announce the shortlist here on 21st September 2021.
Details of juries, prize-winners, longlists and shortlists from previous years are here.