New Books in German and its partners want to champion some hand-picked smaller, boutique or newer German-language publishers we know who publish engaging titles suitable for international audiences. This list will be helpful when planning meetings, visits, and outreach and will help in your search for the book that will be perfect for your readers.
Each entry gives a flavour of each publisher. We note their interests or focus areas, list some of their authors, note any international successes and provide links to any books they publish which are currently covered by the New Books in German funding guarantee. Clicking the publisher’s name takes you to their website.
Publishers are listed alphabetically. We welcome your thoughts on this resource, please feel free to email us.
Last update: October 2023.
Location: Berlin, Germany
Active since 2004
Publishersâ focus: Biographical and autobiographical literature, novels, essays, contemporary history accounts and memoirs, and occasionally poetry. Berenbergâs texts are usually no more than 200 pages, and they publish six to eight high-quality books every six months.
International success: Many fiction and nonfiction books have been translated into English including Christine Wunnickeâs The Fox and Dr. Shimamura; Richard von Schirachâs The Night of the Physicists. Operation Epsilon: Heisenberg, Hahn, Weizscker and the German Bomb; Georg von Wallwitzâs Odysseus and the Ferrets: A Fun Introduction to Financial Markets; Thomas Sparrâs German Jerusalem: The Remarkable Life of a German-Jewish Neighborhood in the Holy City; and Joachim Kalkaâs Gaslight: Lantern Slides from the Nineteenth Century.
Interesting fact: Berenberg believe high-quality texts must be presented in high-quality books: all their books are thread-sewn and cloth-bound with beautiful end papers.
Fairs visited: Frankfurt, Leipzig, London, Paris, Göteborg
Who to speak to: Beatrice Fassbender (
NBG selections with rights available: Die Dame mit der bemalten Hand (The Lady with the Painted Hand)
Czernin Verlag
Location: Vienna, Austria
Active since 1999
Publishersâ focus: Raising awareness for the âuncomfortableâ aspects of Austriaâs cultural and intellectual history; promoting critical discourse within society; supporting democracy. Publishes nonfiction (especially authors from journalism, science and art) and literary fiction, including Renate Welsh and Ernst Frey
International success: The Discursive Construction of History (2008) by Hannes Heer, Alexander Pollak, Ruth Wodak and W. Manoschek; Without Pain (2007) by RĂŒdiger Opelt
Interesting fact: Czerninâs most important book series is the unique âBibliothek des Raubesâ on Nazi looted art and restitution.
Fairs visited: Frankfurt, Leipzig, Vienna, London
Who to speak to: Benedikt Foeger (
Das Kulturelle GedÀchtnis
Location: Berlin, Germany
Active since 2017
Publishersâ focus: Republishing essential fiction and nonfiction works from literary and cultural history, which reveal a link to our present and remind us that the problems of today have already been experienced by previous generations. Examining their ideas and experiences gives a valuable insight into their discourse around issues we still face, and the solutions they proposed at the time. For Das Kulturelle GedĂ€chtnis, leafing through the past is a way of looking ahead. Successful titles include Die Wunderkammer der Deutschen Sprache, Susanne Kerckhoffâs Berliner Briefe and Emily Carrâs Klee Wyck.
International success: Since the focus is on rediscoveries, many titles are already in the public domain without copyright. Nevertheless, several titles have been translated into other European languages.
Interesting fact: Das Kulturelle GedĂ€chtnis also looks to other languages than German for its rediscoveries, and this year is looking forward to publishing the Dutch writer Louis Ferronâs Der SchĂ€delbohrer von Fichtenwald (De keisnijder van Fichtenwald) and American writer Tom Kromerâs Warten auf nichts (Waiting for Nothing), both in German translation.
Fairs visited: Leipzig, Frankfurt, and occasionally at international fairs via the joint stand of the Frankfurt Book Fair
Who to speak to: Peter Graf (
Das vergessene Buch (dvb)
Location: Vienna, Austria
Active since 2014
Publishersâ focus: Rediscovering outstanding but unjustly forgotten works of German-language and European literature from the first half of the 20th century and making them accessible anew to a cultivated, modern reading public in high-quality editions, annotated by renowned experts and literary scholars.
International success: Maria Lazarâs Leben verboten!; Carl Laszloâs Ferien am Waldsee; John F. Kennedyâs Das geheime Tagebuch.
Interesting fact: In 2022 dvb acquired the world rights to the as yet unpublished works of the Austrian-Jewish exile writer Maria Lazar, including 4 novels, 5 plays, numerous essays, short stories and poems. Dvb are excited to be bringing these works to the public for the first time, and are looking for publishing partners abroad to make Lazar an international success. Lazarâs novel Viermal ICH from the late 1920s will be published in March 2023.
Fairs visited: Leipzig, Frankfurt, Vienna
Who to speak to: Albert C. Eibl (
NBG selections with rights available: Rendezvous in Manhattan; Leben verboten! (No Right to Live); Ferien am Waldsee. Erinnerungen eines Ăberlebenden. (Holidays at the Forest Lake); Viermal ICH (Fourtimes ME).
Dörlemann Verlag
Location: ZĂŒrich, Switzerland
Active since 2003
Publishersâ focus: Dörlemann has made a name for itself with (re)discoveries of forgotten authors and translations of classic works, such as Patrick Leigh Fermor, Martha Gellhorn, Gustave Flaubert, George Orwell and Elizabeth Taylor. Other focal points are contemporary German literature (e.g. Dana Grigorcea, Christina Viragh) and translations (e.g. Dag Solstad).
International success: Dana Grigorceaâs novel Das primĂ€re GefĂŒhl der Schuldlosigkeit has been sold for translation into five different languages, including English (An Instinctive Feeling of Innocence).
Interesting fact: 2023 marks 20 years of Dörlemann!
Fairs visited: Frankfurt, Leipzig, London, Hannover, Munich, LĂŒbeck, Solothurn, ZĂŒrich
Who to speak to: Sabine Dörlemann (
Literaturverlag Droschl
Location: Graz, Austria
Active since 1978
Publishersâ focus: Contemporary literature, particularly rebellious, formally innovative authors who break with tradition. Programme includes Laura Freudenthaler, Iris Hanika, Ilma Rakusa, Anna Kim, Monique Schwitter, Werner Schwab and Tomer Gardi.
International success: Monique Schwitterâs Eins im Andern (One Another); Iris Hanikaâs Das Eigentliche (The Essential)
Interesting fact: Droschlâs first titles back in 1978 were art books because before becoming a publishing house Droschl existed for several years as a gallery and bookstore.
Fairs visited: Frankfurt, Leipzig, Vienna
Who to speak to: Annette Knoch (
NBG selections with rights available: Meeresbrise (Ocean Breeze); Federn lassen (Losing Skin)
DuMont Buchverlag
Location: Cologne, Germany
Active since 1956
Publishersâ focus: The literature programme focuses on German-language and international contemporary literature as well as popular fiction. The nonfiction programme includes biographies, cultural history and popular science, as well as numerous illustrated books from the fields of art, design, cookery and lifestyle. Authors include Ernst Gombrich, Ewald Arenz, Mariana Leky, and Charlotte Roche.
International success: Novels by Ewald Arenz, Oliver Bottini, Jan Brandt, Dorothee Elmiger, Kim de lâHorizon, Judith Kuckart, Mariana Leky, Cay Rademacher, Charlotte Roche and others. Ernst Gombrichâs Eine kurze Weltgeschichte fĂŒr junge Leser (A Little History of the World) has become a classic.
Interesting fact: Alongside their established authors, Dumont publishes exciting debuts, such as Caroline Wahlâs novel 22 Bahnen. 22 Bahnen has been shortlisted as Independent Booksellerâs Favourite Novel 2023.
Fairs visited: Frankfurt, London
Who to speak to: Judith Habermas (
NBG selections with rights available: 22 Bahnen (22 Lengths)
Edition Atelier
Location: Vienna, Austria
Active since the 1980s. Resumed its status as an independent publishing house in 2011 after a long period of time affiliated with the Wiener Zeitung.
Publishersâ focus: Contemporary fiction as well as relevant texts from the early 20th century, especially Austrian exile literature, some of which has never appeared in book form. Essays, anthologies, and other nonfiction on socially relevant topics also have a fixed place in the programme. Authors include Mascha DabiÄ, Barbara Kadletz, and Teresa Kirchengast.
International success: Several books have been translated so far, including an English translation of Arthur Rundtâs 1928 novel Marilyn.
Interesting fact: This spring Edition Atelier is particularly looking forward to a novel by bicycle historian and journalist Petra Sturm which will provide a portrait of the racing bike pioneer Cenzi Flendrovsky (1872â1900).
Fairs visited: Leipzig, Vienna
Who to speak to: Jorghi Poll & Sarah Legler (
NBG selections with rights available: TelefĂłnica
Edition Nautilus
Location: Hamburg, Germany
Active since 1974
Publishersâ focus: Carefully selected German and international fiction, politically engaged nonfiction, (auto-)biographies, and high-quality crime novels. Other notable projects include Franz Jungâs complete works, the âKleine BĂŒcherei fĂŒr Hand und Kopfâ art book series, and the political nonfiction series âNautilus Flugschriftenâ. Bestselling fiction authors include the acclaimed A. M. Schenkel, Jochen Schimmang and Abbas Khider.
International success: A. M. Schenkelâs crime novel Tannöd (The Murder Farm) has been translated into more than 20 languages and sold one million copies across all these editions. Nonfiction authors have also been internationally successful, including Mithu M. Sanyal, Stephanie Haerdle, and Fahim Amir.
Interesting fact: In 2024 Edition Nautilus will celebrate their 50th anniversary â an opportunity to look back and reaffirm their commitment to a continually diverse, original, political publishing programme.
Fairs visited: Frankfurt, Leipzig, as well as smaller fairs across Germany and the occasional international fair
Who to speak to: Katharina Picandet (
NBG selections with rights available: Krumholz
etece buch
Location: Berlin, Germany
Active since January 2021
Publishersâ focus: To make the book industry more diverse and publish texts, ideas, and voices that are often overlooked or pushed to the sideline. Eteceâs programme primarily consists of fiction, biography, essay, anthology, and nonfiction formats (both print and digital), but they are open to new and different formats that break the mould.
International success: Etece sells translation rights and welcomes interest from international publishers. Their most successful publication so far is RealitÀten. 30 queere Stimmen, which made it onto the 2022 top 10 bestsellers of She Said, a popular Berlin bookshop specialising in female and queer authors.
Interesting fact: Etece is a publishing collective and all its members currently work on a voluntary basis.
Fairs visited: Etece will be attending the Hamburg Performative Book Fair in 2023, a fair whose aim is to address the barriers of the literary industry and offer a platform to works that otherwise do not gain visibility.
Who to speak to: Lea Fraider (
Haymon Verlag
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
Active since 1982
Publishersâ focus: Letting unheard voices do the talking, publishing books with sentences that force you to underline or highlight, stories that get under your skin and hit you with force. Haymon promises youâll walk away from each book a different person. Fiction, narrative nonfiction, and crime fiction form the main parts of the programme, and Eastern European voices have also been a key focus for decades. Authors include Phenix KĂŒhnert, Fabian Neidhardt, Lydia Mischkulnig, Beatrice Frasl, Marlen Pelny, Katharina Schaller, Andrej Kurkow, Natalka Sniadanko, and Oleksij Tschupa.
International success: Andrej Kurkowâs Diary of an Invasion; some of the works of poet Klaus Merz; Selim ĂzdoÄanâs Wo noch Licht brennt (A Light Still Burns); Michael KrĂŒgerâs Der Gott hinter dem Fenster (The God Behind the Window).
Interesting fact: The publishing house is named after a mythical giant of the same name who is said to have founded Wilten Abbey in Innsbruck in the 8th century.
Fairs visited: Leipzig, Frankfurt, Vienna
Who to speak to: Eva Ganzer (
NBG selections with rights available: Die zitternde Welt (The Trembling World); The Reason We Remain
Kampa Verlag
Location: ZĂŒrich, Switzerland
Active since 2018
Who to speak to: Foreign rights are handled by Schöffling – Marie Luise Jansen (
Kanon Verlag
Location: Berlin, Germany
Active since 2020
Publishersâ focus: Seeking out unheard voices from German and international literature, present and past. Kanon publishes up to a dozen titles per year from multiple genres, ranging from nonfiction to novels to collections of letters. Their priority is the narrative power and personality of their authors, who include Stine Pilgaard, Manfred Krug, Domenico MĂŒllensiefen and Bov Bjerg.
International success: Kanon welcomes interest in translation rights.
Interesting fact: Kanonâs logo is the monkey, an emblem of resistance and the wild in art.
Fairs visited: London, Leipzig, Frankfurt, Turin
Who to speak to: Gunnar Cynybulk ( or Lotti Mischke (
NBG selections with rights available: Aus unseren Feuern (From our Fires)
Verlag Klaus Wagenbach
Location: Berlin, Germany
Active since 1964
Publishersâ focus: Discovering unknown authors, rediscovering modern classics, and giving room to new literary trends. Wagenbachâs programme primarily focuses on fiction, but also includes books dedicated to history, art and cultural history, and political essays, in German and also translated from Italian, Spanish, English and French. Authors include Milena Michiko FlaĆĄar, Mithu M. Sanyal, Francesca Melandri, Hans von Trotha and Erich Fried.
International success: Hans von Trothaâs Pollakâs Arm was a great international success. Milena Michiko FlaĆĄarâs Herr KatĆ spielt Familie (Mr KatĆ Plays Family) is being published this year by Forge Books.
Interesting fact: Wagenbach takes pride in having always been independent; its objective is to always publish books with conviction and pleasure, with care and respect.
Fairs visited: Frankfurt and Leipzig, as well as London, Turin and other international fairs
Who to speak to: Merle Ostendorp (
Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Active since 1659 â when the original J. G. Cottaâsche Buchhandlung was established â and as the Klett-Cotta Verlag we know today since 1977
Publishersâ focus: A high-calibre literary programme, including renowned German writers such as Ernst JĂŒnger, Martin Heidegger and Ulrich Alexander Boschwitz. Klett-Cotta also offers a wide range of successful non-fiction books, especially in the field of history. The Tropen imprint publishes young, urban and progressive literature, thriller crime novels as well as radical, pop-cultural or politically influenced non-fiction. The Schauttauer imprint covers psychology, psychotherapy and psychiatry.
International success: In recent years Ulrich Alexander Boschwitzâs The Passenger has been shortlisted as Fiction Book of the Year 2022 at the British Book Awards and has sold more than 114,000 copies in Germany and the UK. Wolfram Eilenbergerâs Time of the Magicians has also been an international bestseller and been named as an Economist, Guardian and New Statesman Book Of The Year 2020 & NYTimes Book Criticsâ 2020 Top Pick.
Interesting fact: Klett-Cotta started off as one of the most important publishing houses during Germanyâs classical period and published the likes of Schiller and Goethe. This publishing house is also the German home to some of the most important fantasy authors of our time, such as J.R.R. Tolkien.
Fairs visited: Frankfurt, London, Turin, among others
Who to speak to: Ms Frauke Kniffler (
NBG selections with rights available: Seemann vom Siebener (Headfirst); Die Inkommensurablen (The Incommensurables); Auf der StraĂe heiĂen wir anders (We have a different name on the street); Dave; Die UnschĂ€rfe der Welt (The Blurriness of the World); Until We Become Forest
Klever Verlag
Location: Vienna, Austria
Active since 2008
Publishersâ focus: Expanding what it means to be literary by deliberately publishing books that defy genre classification. Publishes poetry, prose and essays, as well as nonfiction such as Thomas Riegler, and translations from French, Spanish, Italian and Russian. Ralph Klever has discovered authors such as Franzobel, Ann Cotten, Raphaela Edelbauer and Daniel Wisser, and has worked with texts by Elfriede Jelinek, Friederike Mayröcker and others.
International success: Excited to explore the international potential of the upcoming novel Den König spielen die anderen by Christa NebenfĂŒhr.
Interesting fact: Klever passionately believes that a functioning literary landscape should be about diversity and originality rather than an easily consumable one-size-fits-all approach.
Fairs visited: Leipzig, Vienna, Frankfurt
Who to speak to: Ralph Klever (
Location: ZĂŒrich, Switzerland
Active since 2017
Publishersâ focus: Exclusively German-language, âuntamedâ fiction, in the crossover between highbrow and suspense, pop and politics, fantasy and black humour. Authors include Jessica Jurassica, Benjamin von Wyl and Gion Mathias Cavelty.
International success: English rights are currently available for all titles.
Interesting fact: Publisher AndrĂ© Gstettenhofer has also founded LitFest ZĂŒrich..
Fairs visited: Frankfurt, Leipzig
Who to speak to: André Gstettenhofer (
Lenos Verlag
Location: Basel, Switzerland
Active since 1970
Publishersâ focus: Modern classics as well as new literary voices from German- and French-speaking Switzerland; international literature particularly by Arabic-speaking authors; nonfiction on social and political themes. Lenosâs bestselling authors include Annemarie Schwarzenbach, Nicolas Bouvier, Ella Maillart, Colin Niel, Sumaya Farhat-Naser, Tajjib Salich and Florianne Koechlin.
International success: Particularly with Annemarie Schwarzenbach, Sumaya Farhat-Naser and Michelle Steinbeck.
Interesting fact: The Lenos Babel programme has created the largest collection of contemporary Arabic literature in the German-speaking world. Over one hundred works by around fifty Arab authors have been translated to date, whether from the Maghreb, the Middle East, or increasingly from exile.
Fairs visited: Frankfurt, Leipzig
Who to speak to: Christoph Blum (
NBG selections with rights available: Menschen wie Dirk (People Like Dirk)
Limbus Verlag
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
Active since 2005
Publishersâ focus: Contemporary German-language literature with an emphasis on Austrian authors, specifically socially engaged literature. Key topics include National Socialism, stories of origins and milieus, the difficulties of adolescence, womenâs lives, and stories of emancipation and development. Accessible essays also form part of the programme, on topics such as cultural politics and intellectual history, as well as contemporary poetry. Authors include Niko Hofinger, Ralf Schlatter, Daniela Chana, Lukas Meschik, and Wolfgang Hermann.
International success: Wolfgang Hermannâs Paris Berlin New York has been translated into Spanish. Limbus welcomes interest from English-language publishers.
Interesting fact: Limbus is particularly excited by the talent of the younger generation, such as Daniela Chana and Lukas Meschik.
Fairs visited: Frankfurt, Leipzig, Vienna
Who to speak to: Bernd Schuchter (
Limmat Verlag
Location: ZĂŒrich, Switzerland
Active since 1975
Publishersâ focus: Fiction by Swiss authors, translations from French, Italian and Romansh into German and bilingual poetry. Also publishes nonfiction with a focus on Switzerland or on women, migration, and the biographies of lesser known voices. Authors include Adelheid Duvanel, Christina Caprez, Usama Al Shahmani and Julia Weber.
International success: A particular success in English has been Meral Kureyshiâs Elefanten im Garten (Elephants in Our Yard).
Interesting fact: Limmat Verlag publishes translations from Romansh, a Romance language that is one of Switzerlandâs four national languages but which less than 0.5% of the Swiss population can speak.
Fairs visited: Frankfurt, Leipzig
Who to speak to: Larissa Waibel (
NBG selections with rights available: Bild ohne MĂ€dchen (Picture Without Girl)
mairisch Verlag
Location: Hamburg, Germany
Active since 1999
Publishersâ focus: Fiction, non-fiction, illustrated childrenâs books, audio books, graphic novels, and music. Attaches great importance to high-quality design, thorough editing, and long-term, friendly cooperation with their authors and musicians, who include Finn-Ole Heinrich, Sasa Stanisic, Benjamin Maack, Michael Weins, Dorian Steinhoff, Stevan Paul, Donata Rigg and Lisa Kreissler.
International success: So far Finn-Ole Heinrich, Dita Zipfel und Halina Kirschnerâs childrenâs book Trecker kommt mit (Not Without My Tractor!), Andrea Hejlskovâs memoir Wir hier drauĂen (Escape to the Wild), and Blanka Stolzâs Die Philosophie des GĂ€rtnerns (The Philosophy of Gardening) have all been translated into English.
Interesting fact: Mairischâs programme also includes CDs and LPs.
Fairs visited: Frankfurt, Leipzig, Bologna, Montreal, London, Prague
Who to speak to: Daniel Beskos (
Location: Berlin, Germany
Active since 2013
Publishersâ focus: New forms of storytelling, especially texts inspired by social media debates and international hot topics. Publishes all kinds of genres as well as anthologies from authors such as Stefanie Sargnagel, Aboud Saeed, Puneh Ansari and Dincer GĂŒcyeter.
International success: Foreign rights have been sold in Argentina, Brazil, Denmark and Mexico. Excerpts from texts by Puneh Ansari, Sarah Raich, Anais Meier and others have been translated into English and published in literary journals such as Asymptote, Sand, Hunger Mountain Review and the Oxford Anthology of Translation.
Interesting fact: Won a German Publisherâs Prize in 2019 and 2020. Unser DeutschlandmĂ€rchen (Our German Fairy Tale) won the Leipzig Book Prize in 2023. You can read our interview with the author here.
Fairs visited: Frankfurt, Leipzig
Who to speak to: Nikola Richter (
NBG selections with rights available: Unser DeutschlandmÀrchen (Our German Fairy Tale)
MĂŒry Salzmann
Location: Salzburg and Vienna, Austria
Active since 2009
Publishersâ focus: Fiction and nonfiction with an emphasis on art and architecture. Meticulous title selection is important to MĂŒry Salzmann; a bookâs content must thoroughly convince them before they can enthusiastically share it with booksellers, the press, and readers. Authors include Jens Wonneberger, Yvonne Zitzmann, Christina Maria Landerl, Malte Borsdorf, Patrick Deneen, and Wilhelm KĂŒcker.
International success: MĂŒry Salzmann welcomes interest in translation rights.
Interesting fact: This publisherâs motto and goal is âgood books that are also beautifulâ.
Fairs visited: Frankfurt, Leipzig, Vienna, Salzburg, Berlin, among others
Who to speak to: Mona MĂŒry (
NBG selections with rights available: Tage des Vergessens (Days of Forgetting)
Paul Zsolnay Verlag
Location: Vienna, Austria
Active since 1924
Publishersâ focus: Contemporary Austrian, Central European and international literature, literary classics as well as narrative non-fiction, cultural history, biographies, and essays. As one of the most long-established and renowned Austrian publishers, Zsolnay has an impressive backlist including the complete works of Leo Perutz, Graham Greene, John Steinbeck, and Colette.
International success: Daniel Glattauerâs e-mail novel Gut gegen Nordwind (Love Virtually) has been translated into forty languages. Other internationally successful authors include Leo Perutz, Paulus Hochgatterer, Martin Pollack, Ernst Lothar, and Friedrich Torberg.
Interesting fact: Paul Zsolnay Verlag turns 100 in 2024, and in the years to come they will remain true to their programmeâs mixture of literary discoveries, established names, and rediscoveries.
Fairs visited: Frankfurt, London
Who to speak to: Annette Lechner (
NBG selections with rights available: Junischnee (June Snow); Die Eroberung Amerikas (The Conquest of America)
Residenz Verlag
Location: Salzburg and Vienna, Austria
Active since 1956
Publishersâ focus: An extremely ambitious literary programme and a socially engaged nonfiction programme, coming from one of the most established publishing houses in Austria. The literary programme focuses on discoveries of young talent from the German-speaking world, the ongoing management of the complete works of renowned Austrian writers, as well as selected translations from Eastern and Northern European languages and from English. Nonfiction centres around the topics of contemporary history, sustainability, art, and biographies, and also includes the socio-political essay series âUnruhe bewahrenâ.
International success: Hartmu Rosaâs UnverfĂŒgbarkeit (The Uncontrollability of the World) and Thomas Bernhardâs Die Autobiografischen Schriften.
Interesting fact: Residenz is particularly looking forward to upcoming debut novels, literary translations, as well as a greater focus on historical nonfiction in the years to come.
Fairs visited: Frankfurt
Who to speak to: Anna Swierczynska (
NBG selections with rights available: Es gibt uns (There Is Us); Die Eistaucher (The Ice Divers); Die Gegenstimme (Voice of Dissent); Der PrÀsident (The President)
Ritter Verlag
Location: Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria
Active since 1979
Publishersâ focus: The Ritter Literatur series includes texts by contemporary German-language authors from Austria, Germany, and Switzerland who see literature as a linguistic art form. The Ritter Kunst series includes artistsâ texts, art theory, art catalogues, monographs, and catalogues of work.
International success: Ritter welcomes interest in translation rights.
Fairs visited: Frankfurt, Leipzig, Vienna
Who to speak to: Martina Mosebach Ritter (
Location: ZĂŒrich, Switzerland
Active since 1977
Publishersâ focus: Politically engaged texts, above all in the nonfiction programme which focuses on contemporary global topics from social justice to ecology to international politics, from authors such as Stefan Keller, Heinrich Wille, Daniela Schwegler and Vanessa PĂŒntener. Beautifully designed travel and hiking guides also form part of the programme, as does the Edition Blau collection of newly discovered contemporary Swiss authors and rediscovered literary gems. Recent fiction authors include Leta Semadeni, Yael Inokai, Lisa ElsĂ€sser, Pascale Kramer, Paolo Cognetti, S. Corinna Bille, Romain Gary und Cesare Pavese.
International success: Primarily with translations into French and Italian, but a recent English translation has been JĂŒrgen Schmidtâs August Bebel: Social Democracy and the Founding of the Labour Movement.
Interesting fact: In 2019 Rotpunkt was named Swiss Publisher of the Year for the second time since 2011.
Fairs visited: Frankfurt, Leipzig
Who to speak to: Anina Barandun (
NBG selections with rights available: Schwarzer Widerstand. Sklaverei und Rassismus in Lateinamerika und der Karibik (Black Resistance: Slavery and Racism in Latin America and the Caribbean); Tamangur (Tamangur)
Schöffling & Co
Location: Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Active since 1994
Publishersâ focus: Innovative and inspiring novels, stories and poetry by renowned names like Peter Kurzeck and Guntram Vesper as well as contemporary voices such as Mirko BonnĂ©, Berit Glanz, Anselm Oelze, Sascha Reh and Maike Wetzel. The portfolio also includes rediscoveries of modern classics with a unique focus on German and European history from the 1920s to World War II and the post-war years â Ulrich Becher, Bernard von Brentano, Horst KrĂŒger, Gabriele Tergit and Silvia Tennenbaum, to name a few of those voices that deeply resound in our present.
International success: Effingers by Gabriele Tergit; The Broken House by Horst KrĂŒger; Monsters Like Us by Ulrike Almut Sandig; Revisiting a Tragedy by Gert LoschĂŒtz; Plan D by Simon Urban
Interesting fact: By its 25th anniversary in 2019, Schöffling & Co. had published more than 600 titles by more than 140 authors.
Fairs visited: Frankfurt, London
Who to speak to: Marie Luise Jansen (
NBG selections with rights available: Obwohl alles vorbei ist (Although Everything is Over); Das Meer in meinem Zimmer (The Sea in my Room); Schwebende BrĂŒcken (Floating Bridges)
Secession Verlag Berlin
Location: Berlin, Germany
Active since 2009, when it was founded in Zurich, then with the additional Berlin office since 2018
Publishersâ focus: International literature, high-quality texts produced in equally high quality, and carefully selected German-language titles from authors such as Steven Uhly and Christoph Geiser.
International success: Steven Uhlyâs Königreich der DĂ€mmerung (Kingdom of Twilight) â selected as one of the top ten German-language books â received funding from the Goethe Institut and has been translated into English and French.
Interesting fact: Secessionâs programme has been described as âartistic daring, political vigilanceâ by Tanya Lieske on Deutschlandfunk radio.
Fairs visited: Frankfurt, Leipzig
Who to speak to: Christian Ruzicska (
Sonderzahl Verlag
Location: Vienna, Austria
Active since 1984
Publishersâ focus: The genre of the essay, that hybrid, self-reflexive form between literature and science, unlimited in its scope, from literary studies to architecture, from film theory to sociology, from social criticism to philosophy, from psychoanalysis to the natural sciences, from travelogues to poetics. Sonderzahlâs programme includes the renowned Robert Menasse, Emmanuel Levinas and Peter Strasser.
International success: Gabriele Petricekâs Von den Himmeln, Triptychon (Out of the Skies: A Triptych), to name one example.
Interesting fact: Sonderzahl are looking forward to upcoming essays on the topics of philosophy, literature, architecture, urbanism and film.
Fairs visited: Leipzig, Frankfurt, Vienna
Who to speak to: Matthias Schmidt (
Location: ZĂŒrich, Switzerland
Active since 1975
Publishersâ focus: International literature
Fairs visited: Frankfurt, Leipzig
Who to speak to:
NBG selections with rights available: Vor aller Augen (In Plain Sight); Die Erfindung des Ungehorsams (The Invention of Disobedience)
Verbrecher Verlag
Location: Berlin, Germany
Active since 1995
Publishersâ focus: Follows the tradition of left-wing literary publishers with a focus on fiction, but nonfiction and academic texts also have a firm place in the programme. Key topics include antisemitism, racism, sexism, and intersectional â Verbrecher Verlag is committed to an open, considerate, inclusive society of solidarity. Renowned authors include Aras Ăren, Anke Stelling, Jovana Reisinger, Manja PrĂ€kels, Bettina Wilpert and Lisa KrĂ€nzler, but the publishing house is also committed to finding young talent and has published debut novels from Esther Becker, Jovana Reisinger, Bettina Wilpert and Philipp Böhm, among others.
International success: Anke Stellingâs SchĂ€fchen im Trockenen (Higher Ground) was published in English to great critical acclaim. The English rights have also been sold for Nino Haratischwiliâs Juja.
Interesting fact: Verbrecher Verlag has many prize-winning authors, and the publishing house itself has won a Berlin Publisherâs Prize in 2019 and a German Publisherâs Prize in 2019, 2020 and 2022.
Fairs visited: Frankfurt, Leipzig
Who to speak to: Kristine Listau (
NBG selections with rights available: Erben der Erinnerung. Ein Familienflug nach Auschwitz (The Inheritors of Memory: A Family Trip to Auschwitz)
Voland & Quist
Location: Berlin & Dresden, Germany
Active since 2004
Publishersâ focus: A broad programme of young, contemporary literature, spoken word poetry, novels, and stories by Eastern European authors, as well as illustrated childrenâs books, graphic novels, and selected nonfiction. V&Q stands for courageous, emancipated, urban literature that refuses to be pigeonholed.
International success: Mainly English-language translations in the V&Q Books imprint, such as Mithu Sanyalâs Identitti.
Interesting fact: V&Q represents some of the most popular German spoken word poets, including Nora Gomringer (winner of the 2015 Bachmann Prize), Lydia Daher and Bas Böttcher.
Fairs visited: Leipzig and Frankfurt, as well as smaller fairs across Germany.
Who to speak to: Ilka Winkler (
NBG selections with rights available: Rosa in Grau. Eine Heimsuchung (Rosa in Grey â In Search of Home); Ist hier das Jenseits, fragt Schwein (Is this the Other Side, Asks Pig)
Thanks to Eve Mason for translating and editing the publisher information above.